Saturday 3 December 2016

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is more than 30 times larger than previous Witcher games,necessitating the use by players to sail by boat to some locations and ride on horseback to others. Fast traveling to already-visited locations, however, is also possible.The open world in The Witcher 3 was described before release to be "20% bigger than Skyrim".Many actions the player performs affect the world, with many of the quests having a number of options on how to complete them, and differing outcomes. CD Projekt RED anticipated approximately 100 hours for the completion of the game,50 of them belonging to side quests, and 50 belonging to the main story.

While similar to the previous Witcher games, Wild Hunt improved on several aspects from past games. Combat revolves around an action role-playing game system alongside the use of magic. The fighting system from previous games was significantly revamped. Wild Hunt introduces some new mechanics, such as the ability to sense nearby objectives, people and resources ("witcher sense"), combat on horseback and at sea, swimming underwater and the use of a crossbow. Additionally, Geralt can jump, climb, and vault over smaller obstacles. The climbing mechanics were described as "not exactly" like Assassin's Creed, but "similar to what we have in Uncharted".Item creation and potion brewing still remain as in previous games, but were modified from The Witcher 2 to be more forgiving. Traps from The Witcher 2 were entirely omitted. The same five Witcher signs returned but slightly modified, with each one having an alternative form that can be used.

The game features responsive, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and dynamic environments. The day and night cycle influences some monsters and their powers, similar to the common mythological motif of a werewolf gaining powers during the night of a full moon.The game also features a dynamic beard growth system, in which the beard of the playable character Geralt grows as he spends time in the world. Ciri, an exceptional sword fighter with mythical powers from the Witcher novels, is a playable character in the game.An in-game collectible card game known as Gwent is playable by Geralt, which replaces the dice games from the previous two Witcher titles.

System Requirements

  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K 3.3GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 940
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
  • RAM: 6GB
  • OS: 64-bit Windows 7 or 64-bit Windows 8 (8.1)
  • HDD Space: 40 GB
  • DirectX 11
How To Install?
  1. Click on “Click Here to Download This Game” and VisIt Download Page..
  2. Extract the file using Winrar.(Download Winrar).
  3. After installation, Open your Game setup and install into PC

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Free Download


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